IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

IP Protocol Network (IPPN)

This chapter describes IP Protocol Network (IPPN) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPPN.002 SRT src_IP-> dst_IP (UDP src_port-> dst_port) ign, no bdg on tunnel

Long Syntax: IPPN.002 SRT packet from src_IP to dst_IP (from UDP socket src_port to dst_port) ignored, no bridging on tunnel

Description: A IP packet was received for one of the SRT tunnel's UDP ports, but bridging is not enabled on the tunnel. The packet will be discarded.

Cause: Another bridge is configured to have this bridge as a participant in a SRT bridging tunnel, but this bridge is not so configured.

Action: Make configuration consistent.

Cause: Some other application on the IP network is sending packets to one of the SRT tunnel UDP ports on this router.

Action: Either change application, or ignore this message.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPPN.003 SRT src_IP-> dst_IP (UDP src_port-> dst_port) ign, port blocked

Long Syntax: IPPN.003 SRT packet from src_IP to dst_IP (from UDP socket src_port to dst_port) ignored, port blocked

Description: A IP packet (which was not a BPDU) was received for one of the SRT tunnel's UDP ports, but that port is in "blocking" or "listening" state. The packet will be discarded.

Cause: Perfectly normal when one port into the tunnel blocks. However, ports to the tunnel will not ordinarily block unless there is an alternative bridging path in parallel with the tunnel.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPPN.004 Old SRB src_IP-> dst_IP (UDP src_port-> dst_port), compat mode

Long Syntax: IPPN.004 Old SRB packet from src_IP to dst_IP (from UDP socket src_port to dst_port), in compatability mode

Description: A packet has been received from a node participating in the IP tunnel which is using the SRB tunnel encapsulation used prior to Release 12.0. This packet will be processed normally, but the tunnel will now remain in the mode compatible with the old encapsulation. This means that FCS will never be preserved for 802.5 frames across the tunnel.

Cause: Node running SRB tunnel software from before Release 12.0.

Action: Update all participants in tunnel to Release 12.0, and you will not get this message, and will be able to preserve 802.5 FCS across the tunnel.

Panic ippnudpregfail 

Short Syntax: IPPN UDP socket registration failure

Description: The IPPN protocol net was unable to register one of the UDP sockets it requires with the UDP protocol.

Cause: Bug in software.

Action: Contact customer service.

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